-Yuto ... I, Kei ... - No! Do not touch me, do not come near me! Yuto walked away all I could of the child when he tried to uncover, seemed to be frightened by something and if not abated Kei might never know that.
- Yuto! Would you calm down? There's nobody here I am ... kei!
Yuto was uncovered a little and stared at Kei. His eyes were red from mourn, lto goose bumps and was still trembling from head to toe. "If there's someone, is it! Was at the door, veníaa for me ... Kei took Yuto shoulder and stayed on until the child is breathing pace and stopped to mourn.
"See? There's nobody here, just you and me ... Now reach down and sleep, I turn away from you ... I will not go anywhere ... "But ... You have to go to school ... You can not stay here, no .. "No go, I'll stay here with you ... In addition it is too late, would have to run to go.
"You must go, you can not stay here for me ...I'll be fine .. I have only ... dream ... Yuto
told this by trying to convince self that everything was fine, but the fear was reflected in his words and Kei hio it up to go take a shower.
"Thanks for letting me stay in your house, really.
Another nod. - So why do not you answer and only if his head? Yuyan these troubling me! CHand you leave me alone, our relationship is over, goodbye.
Yabu could not believe my ears, fear invaded her veins, if left without Hikaru no one would be left, could not lose it, do not want to lose it. "Wait! Do not do this, I can leave, no .. please ... Hikaru
was very surprised to see Yabu pleading, but he did not care, I had been waiting too long to make him a little case to forgive with a simple "please" "Sorry ...
said. Then he went away leaving a shattered Yabu.
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