- Chii Is it that Ryosuke and you are you angry? - Asked Yuto when-perhaps lost sight of him ... He also likes China? - Added with a voice. Some streets m & am
The little boy was I did not know where to turn. "I should not have been so nervous ... Going to suspect something. "But he had not been contained. When he saw his two friends had felt guilty, as if he had betrayed. "And I've done ..." He repeated "A likes Yuto Yama-chan and I've kissed ..." Unconsciously came home and locked his habitació , n. Only had in mind the image of the kiss, the feeling of lips against his greatest, his breathing so close to him ... And it was not something nice, felt guilty, very guilty ... asrista ... "He grabbed his coat and turned to leave. It took more than two minutes to get to your destination. He hesitated a moment. "Why do I have to be me fix things?" But it was those who had started so he swallowed his pride and rang the doorbell of the house. It took several minutes to open, but to his luck Ryosuke's sister received the pass which left him with a sweet welcome. "I probably Ryosuke had closed the door in my face ..."
quietly climbed the stairs and when he was delante door Ryosuke's room, turned to doubt. "It could come down and tell your sister that I have spoken to him ..." But he did, but it knocked on the door to end and with that issue. "Come inside said Ryosuke des. Keito opened the door. And he saw that the other guy was sitting at his desk with a pen in his hand, and several papers blow through the small table. The room was dark, all the windows and curtains were closed without missing a single ray of light. Only the small lamp on the desk was the illuminated with a dim light. "The room
p; oacute;. - Do you like fun? Well, I do not ... So get out of a damn time and leave me alone ...- took a blow to the table and all the papers fell to the ground. - Will you stop acting like a child of three years? - Said the dark-haired with the same tranquility than before Can not find that it is time to sort things out without the help of Yuto and Chii? That made Ryosuke stay quiet and calm down a bit. Always did the same when he was angry so Keito already knew how to master the situation. They stared into her eyes.
"So you've been so ...
-Go ... Finally you realize, "said Keito EMPE.. But promise you will not get angry ...- Keito Chinen nodded ... I kissed ... Keito opened his eyes as two plates, it was clear his confusion.
"Dear Yuto. I'm sick of not being able to talk to you, I hate that we have distanced by just a misunderstanding. If only I had the courage to deliver one of the many letters I've written what happened today would not have happened or maybe would have been you ... I hate to write this, but as that
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