"- I said I want you to look for Yuto! - A male voice told him that to Yabu. You could tell the guy who spoke was angry .- "
Hikaru slipped through the door to see the look of the boy who spoke. Should not be seen as Yabu, where he spoke with what appeared to be his superior, prohibited him from entering. "Not that he could control me like a puppet ..." Hikaru thought. I was a little tired of the largest orders. I always had to do what he wanted, if not angry. "It's like a little boy .. &ute; na Yabu and found him fast asleep. Approached him. "Watching and looks like an angel" She thought and was approaching the lips to kiss him more.
"- How long will I continue with this -"
Hikaru Yabu looked unfinished believe what had just heard. "Are you talking in his sleep?". But at the time the child saw something that surprised him even more. Stroked his cheek a tear of the largest and it fell behind others more slowly. "Are you crying in your sleep?"He approached the face of more and kissed the tears to dry. That woke him up.
"- What do you do? -" said, his voice quivering as he departed from the face of Hikaru. "Why is he here? "I've seen mourn?"
was in front of the house that Yabu had said. Had bitten the bell but no one had responded. "How odd ... Vente des minutes passed and the time we said ... "Suddenly someone touched her back and said, panting.
"" Sorry ... I had to do some unexpected things. "Yabu was
. Finally arrived. "" So I'll have to make "Yuya said with a smile" But first we go somewhere on the street is cold .- " Yabu smiled. Suddenly the sadness I had felt for a moment vanished. It was so comforting to be with Yuya quand had subsided in just a moment.
"" Your eyes are red ... "He said Yuya-Are you crying about something? -"
Those words stung as if he had stuck two knives in the stomach. "Too observer" thought. But just smiled and opened the door of his house to enter both.
spent the afternoon talking and laughing. They spent a while playing guitar. Yuya Yabu discovered that he had very good voice "could be a singer" thought. And they laughed at his own observation.
When there were ten minutes to seven the child received this message:
I have a small problem ... The new house
can not give me the keys today ...
Could I stay to sleep at home? Sorry
ask that ... Your Yuri
Yabu He apologized to for having to leave so abruptly and left the house running. I was still happy for what Yuri had put in his message "Your Yuri" "Is this guy always make me smile? Thought and responded affirmatively to the message.
Yuto had calmed down a bit. And all wounds had healed, now only remained to spend the time for you leave.
"" You'd better not go back to your house for a while, "said Kei
you and the child nodded.
"" Nobody expected me at home so it's okay
...-" spoke without enthusiasm. Seemed unwilling to do anything. Just sit and mourn. "What they have done to you this way?" And Yuto suddenly began to tremble and mourn again.
"I do not want to take me again ... I never want to be alone for so long ...-"
whispered. Kei just came up and hugged him from behind. She dried her tears and that's when the boy began acontarle everything that had happened.
"" When I took was very scared. I thought they would let me go after a while. But he spent much time and had not been anyone in the room where I was picked up .- air, and went on "The next day a boy appeared. Maso was my age. Then came y. .. y. ..- "
could not continue to speak, fear ran through her veins and began to mourn again.
continue ....
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