repeated these words with a deadpan voice EMPTY. And at that moment did not last Masy began to mourn.
The other two boys were silent, not knowing what to say.
Yuto It was difficult to have to live with the memories of when his father and brother left home leaving him with his mother. But the boy could not bear that his mother did not want. She always reminded him that he could have gone with the two who had left, she did not want for anything. In such momenta he had always resorted to Ryosuke. The boy always had to calm down and cheer. But during those two months had not been able to use his best friend. And all because of him.
Chinen, who had long since ceased to bother Keito, Yuto approached and embraced him tenderly. Yuto calmed down a bit and tried to stop mourn. But I just could not.
, "Yuto! -"
A female voice shouted the boy's name was heard loud and "cluck cluck" of her heels approaching. Ryosuke's mother was. "" I see you've arrived, "she said smiling, not realizing that the boy wasHTMLXC "- Mrs. Yamada Come home? I have also eager to see Ryosuke! - "
"" I have fear ...-"
whispered in a weak voice the little guy.
"" Do not worry, everything will be fine... "He said the biggest
a voice a bit more secure. But inside, Keito did not believe the words he had said.
legs were shaking, his whole body seemed he could not support its weight a minute more. In a single second the sadness and the fear that had been hiding her body invaded. No one could believe what teníaa ahead. His mother had come home and as always, had declined to receive. But he had met the person who had brought so many tears these past few months.
"" Come Ryosuke "said his mother with a smile," Are not youYuto greet? - "" Yuto ... "He thought Ryosuke. "Why are you here with these big suitcases? Maybe it has forgiven me and has decided to stop avoiding me ... "He looked away from her mother and looked at his friend, but he saw that avoided eye contact with him, so he thought I would be there for another reason. "- He will stay here until his mother returns from U.S., said the mother when her son did not say anything," Are not you glad to see you? "-" No Ryosuke
know what to do. On the one hand sstant. But I knew it was normal. Yuto admitted that he had not done what he had when he started to avoid Ryosuke, he knew that this was not what a friend had done and was aware that he had read Ryosuke your letter, or at least had received.
The more she ran and locked herself in her room taking a hard hit by the door. "Why do you have to be on here?" He was frustrated, "Why do just as he began to forget him?".
He sat on the floor supporting your back to the door and started cryingit. Just thought that from now on have to live with Yuto.
The child took his bags and headed to his new apartment. It was just as I remembered it. Pequena clutter. With a bed, a desk, a shelf for books and a door leading into a small well-scented bath.
"He no longer considers me his best friend ..." He thought "probably hates me now." I will not draw back. Ryosuke Yuto thought I hated him and could never regain their friendship.
He lay on his bed and a few bitter tears began to like her cheeks. Could not accept thatRyosuke have to live with from now on. Could only accept it if you talk and everything was as before. But that was impossible.
After a while, the boys slept. With tears still in her eyes. They had not stopped even for a moment to mourn. Yuto
next day got up early and started preparing her things for her first day at school. I was not nervous. Conocíaa and so everyone was not to be.
Under the kitchen and grabbed something to eat. At that time someone came up behind him giving him a little bump on the back and asustandolTMLXC When he was in, could not help but show a hidden smile. The oldest was all messy room, as usual. And had all the school books scattered on the ground. Yuto reached down and picked them up, putting the class they played in the backpack.
When he got up to go to wake up more, he saw something that caught his attention. Above the desk, had many roles, all piled up and some were written by the two parties. "How odd ..." Yuto thought "A Yama-chan did not like writing ...". Had not been surprised if the papers had pictures. The larger one is loveddrawing, he spent hours drawing and perfecting his drawings. He came to see better than it was and when I saw it was amazed.
"I miss you ..., why do not you come yet, Yuto?"
"So much I hate to leave me alone, abandoned to my fate?"
"I give many turns your letter ... But, if you want me Why are you doing me much harm? Yuto
read several sentences of those papers. All were addressed to him, and all the blame for leaving him alone. Suddenly the tears filled her eyes. Had been brought to mourn if he had not heard that Ryosuke was waking up. He went to the window,drew the curtains and opened the window to let in light and ventilate the room. He turned to tell Ryosuke to get up, but it was not necessary. He found two small brown eyes that looked like an alien.
"" Your sister has sent me to get up-Yuto said coldly So Wise up and down for breakfast .- "
said that the tall guy left the room leaving Ryosuke is not yet thought ; to what was happening. Yuto was in no better position than most. Do not believe what I just read. I thought it was just coincidence that Ryosuke had written this. & Am
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