"Ha ha ha ... I'm going ..." Lambo Hibari walked away as quickly as possible, approaching a small boy laughing nonstop Lambo and which sought to try to catch it.
" Something like that? What the hell .... "
Instantly the church doors opened and people began to shout and congratulate the newlyweds.
The pair started down the stairs of the church covered with a red carpet. He hung his head in shame and she thanked the guests not stop smiling. Hibari could not see because the front dand he had more people. It was when I was close as he could see the couple. A Dino wearing a white tuxedo, his arm was caught by a beautiful woman that Hibari had ever seen. Dino looked on all sides by thanking all the guests who had attended her wedding until her eyes fell on Hibari, stopping short and looking into his eyes. Hibari's eyes were open, amazed at what he saw.
"Kyouya ... What do you
Before Dino could come, The Visionwater droplets that reflected the light. Its me ten years into the future had been there. The window was closed. The day was too sunny so that in less than five minutes had rained.
"Pathetic ..."
- thought nothing more to understand what had happened in that room. After , doors opened wide and appeared before his eyes a Dino younger and more energetic than he had seen five minutes ago.
"Kyouya! Wh & amp; eacute; just to state my kitten this week without me? Ahh ... I thought I could not go without seeing you so long. "
" It has only been a week, no big deal. " He went to the couch and picked up his jacket, putting it above the shoulders.
"That cold you Kyou. After we have been so long without seeing each other "this is how I get?"
Dino Hibari came up behind and rodeo over the shoulders.
"I'm serious. I missed you. I do not want est.emos apart so long. "
Dino Hibari turned his face to try to kiss her, but she pushed him against the wall making Dino head banging. Dino was surprised at the look of hatred of Hibari.
"Fuck me! You and your stupid meaningless words! Stop telling me that neither your nice words you think! "
went out the door, slamming the door and leaving Dino lying on the floor, head down, unable to look away from the ground.
"Maybe you're right ..."
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