Keito was nervous, he kept banging his leg into the floor of his room. On the other hand China was sitting on a street corner, I was cold, so he hugged himself to be a bit of heat. "I'm sorry I said earlier," she sighed because I have not said really grabbed ...- air and took it really slowly if you were together I could not bear ...- Voice "It was trembling of the moment thing, just ... Sorry ... Her heart was a thousand, I wanted to run out and go toute, n that is lit-lied.
's not true, background sounds are heard in his voice you could see a hint of nervousness. "I do not know why you're out, but please come back and stop worrying ... -Keit ... Chinen's voice lowered in volume in the earpiece of Keito. Only heard a "piip" very sharp and annoying than ever grew louder and made China's voice is heard weaker, until it ceased to listen, then cut ; the call.
"Why has cut the call? Is it ok for China? What makes this time on the street? "Questionsand full of memories, melancholy memories, memories of the times in which they were two best friends and memories of the day on which their friendship was broken by a simple misunderstanding, broke in two, leaving a large scar on each of the parties. The two boys came panting to the park, took a long time running, to escape from those subjects were exhausted. Yuto dropped into the grass and closed his eyes, standing perfectly still and slowly the rhythm of her breathing. Ryosuke
stretched his hand and began to contemplate the beautiful starry sky. Then he stopped to think "We have been caught all the wayhand ... "He had felt so good that you had not realized until the moment that their hands had separated. Now beginning to catch cold because the cold of the night, or maybe it was that they also missed the warmth of the skin of the child. "The smiles on my dreams, tears unforgettable. You look and you want to hug. A sweet voice began to sing that sweet melody. It was a voice he knew very well Ryosuke, Yuto's voice.
"Even still have the same ...- always good voice whispered as he rubbed his hands to warm them. Yuto
said nothing, only joined & oacute, he continued singing and took the hand of the largest, accepting it between your hands to keep warm. Ryosuke blushed and closed his eyes slowly to avoid thinking about anything but the slightest touch she had been missing. I was so happy that he forgot what time it was, he would have stayed, but he heard steps approaching a single person. Immediately separated, the child stopped singing and stood with their backs glued. Were shaking, thinking that perhaps they were the subjects who had previously wanted to hurt Yuto. Suddenly a dog threw up on this and he began & oacmo if they were two strangers who had never spoken.
The warmth of the sheets with him in his sweet dream when suddenly a light bothers him awake. There he was again, staring at him, fixing his eyes on him.
"This time was your mother ... Yuto said
lie just open the windows. And when he would leave the room spun for a moment and said Ryosuke addressing. -I smp; eacute; ly told annoying. -Waiting! I go with you! - And when he got next to it said, smiling at last, after all, go to the same case. Yuto
stopped short and stared at the least, making them uneasy.
- What's wrong? "Are you okay?
The tall man nodded.
- Ryosuke going to our class? - Asked.
Chinen looked down and kept walking. Yuto followed him without speaking, waiting for the response of small but I knew he would receive a statement. When they were about to enter the room. Chinen stopped and stared at Yutor nodded. Did not need any explanation, because when they saw Keito went up talking to the guys in the class, and Ryosuke sitting in his chair surrounded by his friends and girls who whispered among them "It's so cool. .. "
Yuto and Chinen looked and smiled, the little boy sat on his site and Yuto at his side, as usual, who had always been their seats.
In a few minutes they were all girls in the class and asking around to Yuto was like he was back. He just said 'I wanted to see you "and I winked. They all move flushed and went on to their sites. Ryosuke also blushed a bit, thinking "I also wanted to see me at my ..." Then the teacher came and began to breathe an atmosphere of tension, and Ryosuke from Keito.
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