, hallucinatory."
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
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How Do U Get It Kawasaki Disease n / / n
I've always said that happiness is never forever, or that if it happens, sooner or later you pay with suffering, but from a certain date has not passed that unless certain things that have been talked about that solution.
I'm at a stage in my life where I did not believe me for years.
I am happy to find athe person next to me.
That in spite of certain stages, we have overcome.
But now there was a change. All that changed after a certain date, we are not who we were, we are somewhat stronger and united.
All this for a common goal, that very soon and with much perseverance we will, we will be strong.
Thanks to my friend, without it, things that have happened, whether sad or happy, always finds me, I was lucky, or we were lucky if we thus found, under certain circumstances, and under time constraints.
Now we only have the time and our heads to move forward together, because what else is beside the point, are you, me and Dashii.
Friday, October 29, 2010
I Am 36 Weeks Pregnant And My Stool Is Black
There is something broken inside of me. And I wish you could heal. But it is like a poisoned thorn, if you manage to get a good grip the whole, hardly a scratch. Nor is it as something that is broken somewhere. If you could compose myself piece by piece, I'd be able to endure the pain with pleasure. It's ... it's hard to explain. It's like ... I think we all have a private site, located somewhere in the heart between the ventricles or the atria. It's like a small fort where you place the most intimate, most private of your soul. Perhaps this little stronger which makes t & uacute; be you and not someone else. Usually, no one teaches that corner no one but sometimes you love someone very much. And now ... now I feel like my own fort had been blown up with gunpowder, dynamite, and ... and all the names you can think of explosives. Nothing remains of my little strong, but ashes and a huge plume of smoke. And all the little things that escondíay not want anyone to know that there are ... are exposed and frightened scream and cry, trying to hide beneath a blade of grass or bushes small. But .... It is not easy. CH
Is A Bank Letter Proof Of Bona Fide Marriage strong and gunpowder.
There's something broken inside of me. And I wish you could heal. But it is like a poisoned thorn, if you manage to get a good grip the whole, hardly a scratch. Nor is it as something that is broken somewhere. If you could compose myself piece by piece, I'd be able to endure the pain with pleasure. It's ... it's hard to explain. It's like ... I think we all have a private site, located somewhere in the heart between the ventricles or the atria. It's like a small fort where you place the most intimate, most private of your soul. Perhaps this little stronger as you are doingMLXC
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Chest Pressure First Trimester sometimes we forget.
I guess sometimes we forget. We put on our white coats, impeccable both with contrasting black and curly hair seem stronger, more secure. Although the fund tremble like a puppy abandoned in the jungle savage can be the hospital. I guess sometimes we forget. We laugh with patients and their quarrel when we catch them smoking. We take them love too soon. Yes, that is. Still do not have that wall that all doctors are constructed so they will not hurt anything they see. Our only if you have brick walls. So sometimes, to see someone so consumed, that you know will die irremediablementand nobody comes to see, no conversation. So stay and keep talking with him, doing stupid questions, but do not understand what you answer, but it costs you imagine yourself in that situation so devastating. I guess sometimes we forget that there are things in the world who are fucking terrible and that a white coat can not change. When the effect of methadone is too strong, you say goodbye with a smile and ask him to get better. He tells you it ríey expected. I guess sometimes we forget that there are people who never get better.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Kates Playground Left Foot
And while you organize, aim and underscores everything that you see in the city, you realize that this trip to London with your best friend is going to be probably the best you're going to go across your fucking life.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
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- Chii Is it that Ryosuke and you are you angry? - Asked Yuto when-perhaps lost sight of him ... He also likes China? - Added with a voice. Some streets m & am
The little boy was I did not know where to turn. "I should not have been so nervous ... Going to suspect something. "But he had not been contained. When he saw his two friends had felt guilty, as if he had betrayed. "And I've done ..." He repeated "A likes Yuto Yama-chan and I've kissed ..." Unconsciously came home and locked his habitació , n. Only had in mind the image of the kiss, the feeling of lips against his greatest, his breathing so close to him ... And it was not something nice, felt guilty, very guilty ... asrista ... "He grabbed his coat and turned to leave. It took more than two minutes to get to your destination. He hesitated a moment. "Why do I have to be me fix things?" But it was those who had started so he swallowed his pride and rang the doorbell of the house. It took several minutes to open, but to his luck Ryosuke's sister received the pass which left him with a sweet welcome. "I probably Ryosuke had closed the door in my face ..."
quietly climbed the stairs and when he was delante door Ryosuke's room, turned to doubt. "It could come down and tell your sister that I have spoken to him ..." But he did, but it knocked on the door to end and with that issue. "Come inside said Ryosuke des. Keito opened the door. And he saw that the other guy was sitting at his desk with a pen in his hand, and several papers blow through the small table. The room was dark, all the windows and curtains were closed without missing a single ray of light. Only the small lamp on the desk was the illuminated with a dim light. "The room
p; oacute;. - Do you like fun? Well, I do not ... So get out of a damn time and leave me alone ...- took a blow to the table and all the papers fell to the ground. - Will you stop acting like a child of three years? - Said the dark-haired with the same tranquility than before Can not find that it is time to sort things out without the help of Yuto and Chii? That made Ryosuke stay quiet and calm down a bit. Always did the same when he was angry so Keito already knew how to master the situation. They stared into her eyes.
"So you've been so ...
-Go ... Finally you realize, "said Keito EMPE.. But promise you will not get angry ...- Keito Chinen nodded ... I kissed ... Keito opened his eyes as two plates, it was clear his confusion.
"Dear Yuto. I'm sick of not being able to talk to you, I hate that we have distanced by just a misunderstanding. If only I had the courage to deliver one of the many letters I've written what happened today would not have happened or maybe would have been you ... I hate to write this, but as that
Monday, September 27, 2010
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Sunday, September 26, 2010
Gallbladder Refraction Rate thoughts of the 10 and 35.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Strep Throat Waterpark
I love you so, you know.
Devils ... I want to die at this time to reach you ---------- ........
Can I Rent My Car To Someone
You Came into my life and I Thought "Hey, you know, This Could Be Something"
- Because I knew from the outset. I Knew it
- .
'Cause When I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everything's okay I'm finally now Believing
finally seems that we have won . Brennan has Dador account.
That is no longer afraid and no matter how many blondes will come forward,
she already understood.
For You I Will (Confidence), Teddy Geiger
no more camouflage
I Want to Be Exposed, AND NOT be afraid to fail.
- This is how Booth and Peter feels long. As
- & iacu Booth If something can do is take care of our Brennan.
And I've Never Had A Taste Before But now you got me wantin 'more
Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones CHTMLMLXC She's So High, Tal Bachmann
'Cause she's so high High Above Me, she's so lovely She's so high Like Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, or Aphrodite
Because our girls are the heroines.
And of course, they realize.
- Break Me Out, The Rescues
Oh, This Could Be The
Booth and Brennan spoke. And they kissed.
This time, drinking tequila and weird dreams.
- Olivia ran to Peter and asked him to return.
Because this was where she was.
Need you now, Lady Antebellum
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010
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However, the pain receptors do not have this adaptation. The pain does not go, no fades, does not disappear. The pain is still there to remind us that there is something wrong. In fact, make continuous stimulation & nbsp, intensity of pain increases. So the wound hurts and aches and pains until the cause that originated it disappears.
So anyone who tells you that time heals everything lies .
Friday, September 3, 2010
Best Way To Create A Boat With Aluminum magic and secret reasons.
knew he would return because he left all his clothes, "said Virginia. adored her more than anything and I kept going to his room. And then, after a few months, we were suddenly told to get rid of it. I remember all neatly folded, and still believe that he would get a note from her fluttering, addressed to me, just me, telling me how much he loved me. Explaining the reason special, magical, secret urgent and which had to go. still I have the uncontrollable urge to go face unstoppable people and say: & ldquo; My mother abandoned me when I was seven years "as if that explained everything. I feel like I'm on a train and was about to collide, and all to see, but no one came to rescue .
The Tenth Kingdom, Kathryn Wesley.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
How To Animate Like South Park bendingdream
And also this morning. There could be so beautiful and blue for nothing. I liked even though the guide told me to draw the saw and sand in my eyes - which he did. But what is a bit of sand in comparison to the sun as opposed to the cloudy days?
I think it's like those times when you work hard and wake up early and do things as they should do and finally get a prize. For being so good. That cebiche could not be so good for nothing. And the sand so soft. And the beach without algae.
one day, people in the world. He started well and finished in the best way. I met friends who missed me and hugged my mother when I left. Yes It was a good day.
I think, above all, that wishes are granted. When I was 11 I was given the agenda of Harry Potter. In one of the front page next to the mirror of Erised was a line in which one could write what he wanted most. I, with my 11 years, I wanted that magic exists, go to Hogwarts adventure.
Today, with my 20 years, I still believe that this archstone done for thousands of years by the sea at the point of perseverance and never tire can make wishes come true. When the guide said he wished to return, I wanted the visa, go to Espanaye magical adventures that would make my way. To him, a friend of my brother, an eternal optimist and one of the most cheerful people I will never know, got his own.
Me too mine. I want to go
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caring for animals to human care ... so there will not be di conference. "Actually I do not know how it happened. I can not remember. Just know that we were in 4 of the ESO and everyone was talking and hurry up with that of your future . For medicine, hey. That does not look bad. I'm not disgusted blood or needles - if they did not have to pinch myself, of course - or scalpels. Nor more than 6 years accounted career. In the end, despite how much I complain, I like to study. So at that moment the race began to study, study, study, study, study and study to take note. Yat the end I went when you know perfectly well that study medicine. But I was not at all clear. And I had already made up my mind about my future. Shorter stroke, less study, more social, more contact with the patient. And then they called me. I called in early October, before the bridge. And I remember it rained a lot. And I remember that I ran out of enfermeríay had no umbrella. My parents wept, but this time with joy. And I do not know what to do. I was afraid to leave now enfermeríay start from zero again. That just did not fit. I do not know. I was scared to death. Still no room &; Iacute; to study the reflection of
fly or fight, or you face is that the dragon does not waste time with exit legs. But I decided to fight the dragon. Or at least try. I chose not to have to load into the consciousness with which would have happened if
. With 18 years and had too many that would have happened if behind me. So I went into medicine. And now, I'll start the Tecer year. And I learned a lot of things. Thousand names of arteries, nerves thousand, thousand muscular systems. I learned why we are in bad host when hungry. I learned how the eye humrisk. And although she cries, and kicks and I complained every minute of every hour of the difficult and overwhelming it is this race, I have no regrets. I do not regret my choice. And that, in essence, is what matters.
The Right Kind Of Mucus
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Friday, August 27, 2010
How Much Are Pearl Necklaces Worth
you want to travel. We've spoken a thousand times and we can talk about our future travel for hours. Well, actually we can talk for hours about any subject, including chocolate on that spot there. We have charted paths to the other side of the world: we decided to go to Japan tambiéna and New York . But we need not go that far, we are also going to conformábamos with Finisterre and see together the supposed end of the world. Maybe there and Michel find our Mattius individuals. However, halfway through the journey we have always been more present and que have always pledged to fulfill: Come to London! So your birthday is this escapade. Because it's time to move from words to deeds. Because maybe it is now - now we can go relax and plan as Erasmus, now that you are just starting, now that I'm still not up to the neck of hours in the hospital. So your birthday present. Which is also mine. So we're half way in November. Your late birthday gift and my gift in advance. We reserve habitacióny a modified planning. We billet plane. We have everything you need looked at. We have the opportunity to see Wicked, the two together in London. Sorry I can not take a play in which Idina Mendel is the protagonist, but believe me it's because that was not in my hand. We have the courage and desire. What do you say? I want to see me in London, in a million years . But we need to go this November. A perfect getaway to escape from all this that sometimes makes us too uphill. Escape notes, mothers, friends, disappointments of those that only we are among ourselves. Only one weekend, but we are able to take advantage of every minute. And et is all planned, little. Already taken the first step. Just keep going bit by bit. Just you, me and a lot of guiris-it-and-not-be-guiris. What do you say?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Parts Of A Electric Motor Labeled the challenge of Z.
1. Fox Plugged , Porta
2. Z-Ro the Crooked , Z-Ro CHT MLXC
3. Z Recipe, The Sundogs
4. Zoo Station, U2
5. Zombie Zoo, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (*)
6. Zodiac Sign , Babylon Zoo
7. Z, Tainles
8. Z Movie Saga , dthe Fratellis (*)
9. Zoom into me, Tokio Hotel (*)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
How Tight Is A Panty Girdle Supposed To Be Music meme II.
Here the list:
1. Hey There Deliah , Plain White Ts
2. Here comes the sun , The Beatles
3. Hey, Jude , The Beatles
4. Here Is Gone Goo Goo Dolls
5. Human, The Killers
6. Headlock, CHImogen Heap TMLXC
7. Hands Remember, Seabear
8. Hopelessly Devoted to You, Newton olivis Johnn
9. Hot Air Balloon, Owl City
10 . Today and yesterday , Pirates
And again an extra bonus songs ...
11. Have not met you yet, Michael Bublé
12. Hero / Heroine , Boys Like Girls
13. Hands down, Dashhoard Confessional
14. Halo, Beyoncé
Monday, August 23, 2010
Red Bumps On The Stomach Music Meme I
13. Ti
k Tok, Kesha
16. Too Little, Too Late , JoJo 17.
Two is Better Than One , Boys Like Girls 18,
This Love, The Veronicas
19. This is the way it ends , Landon Pigg
20. Toxic Valentine, All Time Low
Ala, pa 'to see! :) When
allowustofly CHT
MLXC me his little letters, I'll do another meme.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Motiontrendz Ripper Scooter random thoughts.
good memories I have stored all very deep, it still makes me think a bit of damage on them. I thought it was because they were beautiful and it's movies. But I found not. What I like both those movies are hidden bits of my life. Let me loose curls, those who are already so long that tickle me by the shoulders and always will be yours as much as I try to tame them. who is angry with the world, because B did not deserve to die. . I have also been impacted by Summer, Pesola that mine was not called Summer. Put on the collar-shapedsalamander Polina gave me and I like both, both. Not for nothing comforts him sleeping and did not die in a hospital bed and droppers full of post-operative wounds. That I too have idealized the good things, while I did not realize the bad, I did not want to realize. In short, there are days I feel pretty fancy . I'm still curin wounds. That I'll be fine. Let me also comforts me to know that B died sleeping. That seems unfair to me too. I'm just your neighbor, and that kills me the lift and rememberB is dead.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Who Makes The Rules For Congress
The last time I saw you I thought it reactionary or better than the other times, but it was not.
I think that distance and time tend to change my thoughts, or maybe change your mind, do not know yet.
Anyway, I think if another similar situation that many times I wanted to be present and not feel the same. Changing
other things on Thursday I started the ss. And everything has gone well so far. Pss
And I think it may be better when I leave in the morning and raining and out as well.
August 9 pss I go to school and from there to ss. I know it'll be a little heavy, but I will not advance the
Monday, July 19, 2010
How To Make A Bicycle Pedal Go Kart Katekyo Hitman Reborn fanfiction [Dino x Hibari, PG]
"Ha ha ha ... I'm going ..." Lambo Hibari walked away as quickly as possible, approaching a small boy laughing nonstop Lambo and which sought to try to catch it.
" Something like that? What the hell .... "
Instantly the church doors opened and people began to shout and congratulate the newlyweds.
The pair started down the stairs of the church covered with a red carpet. He hung his head in shame and she thanked the guests not stop smiling. Hibari could not see because the front dand he had more people. It was when I was close as he could see the couple. A Dino wearing a white tuxedo, his arm was caught by a beautiful woman that Hibari had ever seen. Dino looked on all sides by thanking all the guests who had attended her wedding until her eyes fell on Hibari, stopping short and looking into his eyes. Hibari's eyes were open, amazed at what he saw.
"Kyouya ... What do you
Before Dino could come, The Visionwater droplets that reflected the light. Its me ten years into the future had been there. The window was closed. The day was too sunny so that in less than five minutes had rained.
"Pathetic ..."
- thought nothing more to understand what had happened in that room. After , doors opened wide and appeared before his eyes a Dino younger and more energetic than he had seen five minutes ago.
"Kyouya! Wh & amp; eacute; just to state my kitten this week without me? Ahh ... I thought I could not go without seeing you so long. "
" It has only been a week, no big deal. " He went to the couch and picked up his jacket, putting it above the shoulders.
"That cold you Kyou. After we have been so long without seeing each other "this is how I get?"
Dino Hibari came up behind and rodeo over the shoulders.
"I'm serious. I missed you. I do not want est.emos apart so long. "
Dino Hibari turned his face to try to kiss her, but she pushed him against the wall making Dino head banging. Dino was surprised at the look of hatred of Hibari.
"Fuck me! You and your stupid meaningless words! Stop telling me that neither your nice words you think! "
went out the door, slamming the door and leaving Dino lying on the floor, head down, unable to look away from the ground.
"Maybe you're right ..."
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Kate Playground New Shower
Keito was nervous, he kept banging his leg into the floor of his room. On the other hand China was sitting on a street corner, I was cold, so he hugged himself to be a bit of heat. "I'm sorry I said earlier," she sighed because I have not said really grabbed ...- air and took it really slowly if you were together I could not bear ...- Voice "It was trembling of the moment thing, just ... Sorry ... Her heart was a thousand, I wanted to run out and go toute, n that is lit-lied.
's not true, background sounds are heard in his voice you could see a hint of nervousness. "I do not know why you're out, but please come back and stop worrying ... -Keit ... Chinen's voice lowered in volume in the earpiece of Keito. Only heard a "piip" very sharp and annoying than ever grew louder and made China's voice is heard weaker, until it ceased to listen, then cut ; the call.
"Why has cut the call? Is it ok for China? What makes this time on the street? "Questionsand full of memories, melancholy memories, memories of the times in which they were two best friends and memories of the day on which their friendship was broken by a simple misunderstanding, broke in two, leaving a large scar on each of the parties. The two boys came panting to the park, took a long time running, to escape from those subjects were exhausted. Yuto dropped into the grass and closed his eyes, standing perfectly still and slowly the rhythm of her breathing. Ryosuke
stretched his hand and began to contemplate the beautiful starry sky. Then he stopped to think "We have been caught all the wayhand ... "He had felt so good that you had not realized until the moment that their hands had separated. Now beginning to catch cold because the cold of the night, or maybe it was that they also missed the warmth of the skin of the child. "The smiles on my dreams, tears unforgettable. You look and you want to hug. A sweet voice began to sing that sweet melody. It was a voice he knew very well Ryosuke, Yuto's voice.
"Even still have the same ...- always good voice whispered as he rubbed his hands to warm them. Yuto
said nothing, only joined & oacute, he continued singing and took the hand of the largest, accepting it between your hands to keep warm. Ryosuke blushed and closed his eyes slowly to avoid thinking about anything but the slightest touch she had been missing. I was so happy that he forgot what time it was, he would have stayed, but he heard steps approaching a single person. Immediately separated, the child stopped singing and stood with their backs glued. Were shaking, thinking that perhaps they were the subjects who had previously wanted to hurt Yuto. Suddenly a dog threw up on this and he began & oacmo if they were two strangers who had never spoken.
The warmth of the sheets with him in his sweet dream when suddenly a light bothers him awake. There he was again, staring at him, fixing his eyes on him.
"This time was your mother ... Yuto said
lie just open the windows. And when he would leave the room spun for a moment and said Ryosuke addressing. -I smp; eacute; ly told annoying. -Waiting! I go with you! - And when he got next to it said, smiling at last, after all, go to the same case. Yuto
stopped short and stared at the least, making them uneasy.
- What's wrong? "Are you okay?
The tall man nodded.
- Ryosuke going to our class? - Asked.
Chinen looked down and kept walking. Yuto followed him without speaking, waiting for the response of small but I knew he would receive a statement. When they were about to enter the room. Chinen stopped and stared at Yutor nodded. Did not need any explanation, because when they saw Keito went up talking to the guys in the class, and Ryosuke sitting in his chair surrounded by his friends and girls who whispered among them "It's so cool. .. "
Yuto and Chinen looked and smiled, the little boy sat on his site and Yuto at his side, as usual, who had always been their seats.
In a few minutes they were all girls in the class and asking around to Yuto was like he was back. He just said 'I wanted to see you "and I winked. They all move flushed and went on to their sites. Ryosuke also blushed a bit, thinking "I also wanted to see me at my ..." Then the teacher came and began to breathe an atmosphere of tension, and Ryosuke from Keito.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Lubricant For Masterbation
-Yuto ... I, Kei ... - No! Do not touch me, do not come near me! Yuto walked away all I could of the child when he tried to uncover, seemed to be frightened by something and if not abated Kei might never know that.
- Yuto! Would you calm down? There's nobody here I am ... kei!
Yuto was uncovered a little and stared at Kei. His eyes were red from mourn, lto goose bumps and was still trembling from head to toe. "If there's someone, is it! Was at the door, veníaa for me ... Kei took Yuto shoulder and stayed on until the child is breathing pace and stopped to mourn.
"See? There's nobody here, just you and me ... Now reach down and sleep, I turn away from you ... I will not go anywhere ... "But ... You have to go to school ... You can not stay here, no .. "No go, I'll stay here with you ... In addition it is too late, would have to run to go.
"You must go, you can not stay here for me ...I'll be fine .. I have only ... dream ... Yuto
told this by trying to convince self that everything was fine, but the fear was reflected in his words and Kei hio it up to go take a shower.
"Thanks for letting me stay in your house, really.
Another nod. - So why do not you answer and only if his head? Yuyan these troubling me! CHand you leave me alone, our relationship is over, goodbye.
Yabu could not believe my ears, fear invaded her veins, if left without Hikaru no one would be left, could not lose it, do not want to lose it. "Wait! Do not do this, I can leave, no .. please ... Hikaru
was very surprised to see Yabu pleading, but he did not care, I had been waiting too long to make him a little case to forgive with a simple "please" "Sorry ...
said. Then he went away leaving a shattered Yabu.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Mfc 7420 Brother Rear Paper Jam [If you love me ... kiss me ... Chapter 8]
Yuya did not know what to say. After having rejected a few years ago had never tried to do nothing but sit on his lap and sometimes embraced. But that was part of the personalityChinen, if he did he would not.
"" Okay ...- said in a whisper .- "
and turned and hugged the child. Welcome him in her arms. Showing you all the love he felt for him. "Why I can not respond? So everything would be easier ... "He thought, and embraced more strongly to the small, remaining steeped in the sweet smell. Yuto volvíaa mourn. Kei did not know what to do, he was afraid to ask something, not wanting her to feel obligated to say anything.So without further ado, Yuto caught in arms, that clung to Ely stopped shaking. She took it to bed, he leaned and whispered:
"" Sleep ... Sleep and forget ...-" The child smiled faintly at that comment and immediately fell asleep. Kei stared a few minutes and Yuto neck saw something that did not like. He had many brands, all red ... "So that's why he has not wanted to heal the wounds it under your clothes ..." He said to himself and stroked the sleeping boy's head. "- I'm sorry you had to go through this now said ...-Yuya ar to help with dinner.
"I finish my studies here," he said in the village where my mother lives there are no adequate methods. Yuya
was thought for a moment. "He's matured a lot ..." And he misled as he cut a finger.
- Are you okay? - China said a little worried. -If you do not ...
-Chii, only a small cut ... The two laughed for a while until the belly of Chinen asked for food and the preparation & oacute Yuyaand, at one point. It was a nice dinner, talked of many things, but Yuya did not dare tell the little that had happened with Kei, one of the reasons was I did not want to hurt him.
"I will prepare the sofa to sleep - Chinen said as he rose from the table and left the dishes in the sink. "Wait ... I have only one bed and I sleep on the couch
"No, I sleep there," replied
Chinen I do not want to answer me "Yuya said in a stern tone, yet playful Go go to bed and go to sleep. Chinen smiled a little and left the kitchen leaving the dishes Yuyance again come to the school confirmed it.
A thrill, that feeling that I could not sleep all night, the bedroom window open and the sound of the wind howling as if he wanted to eat. I was really scared. It was the first night I was out of that dark, rhythmic breathing beside Kei managed to calm him a bit but was still very scared and could not help but shudder every time you hear a sound too strong.
suddenly felt as if the house door open, the wind blew strong, and the room door clashed cgainst the edge of the wall in a futile attempt to close. It was as if I were in a scary movie, even having to Kei by his side, I felt that was far from Ely that something very bad is about to occur.
began to hear a few steps, were very weak and blended with the sound of the breath of your partner, but was quite sure who came into the room, with a slow haunting, yet too fast. Started breathing too fast, felt he could not hold out much longer, the door of the room was
Friday, June 4, 2010
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do not understand why you choose the special days ...
do not understand why there is a burden of guilt when not caused
I do not understand that mentality ... Soil
understand the personalities ...
but does not know what the hell happen ...
not if I just lost ...
not asking for much ... is just distraction, just a moment ...
why choose these days? because you always do the same.
as yet not surprise me ... I do not understand right now ... absolutely nothing ...
The future is really scary ... itself ass
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Is Showering With Tiffanys Bracelet Okay?
Chapters: One shot
Author: Minna
Hikarii! Sorry I can not upload fic these days! T__T exams and I'm not really connect X__X
This One Shot I've written on the occasion of Birthday Caro! wiii OMEDETO! Here's your gift ^ ^, Have a blast:)
Gossip Boy - Have you heard the rumor about Nakajima-kun?
-No ... What happened?
"They say that will leave the school, do you remember that rumor that was dating a girl tworumor ... Some of my ... "
- already! .-
- Do you know what? - I looked up suddenly stopping running and there was Yuto smiling and laughing at me for me habit of talking to myself. "If I knew that I said I would appreciate it, but I do not say anything ... he is very capable of getting angry about it. "I smiled and told him I was just thinking for myself. I noticed that I do not believe it but I left running with the word leaving his mouth. "I'm tired of running, my legs hurt, not if you arrive before you leave for dance classes ... I have qhas done what he should have done Takaki me? ... I do not understand "
gathered my things, grabbed the bag and when I would raise Takaki saw behind the door, ran to hug him Ely slowly closing the door behind me. "I can still help Yuto ... Perhaps the girls prefer to talk about this instead of Yuto ... "
- Are you okay?
"Takaki already is again worried about my ..."
- Will I ever stop being so protective? - Answered annoyed.
-only care about you ...
Then we heard a conversation of voicesdo ... It was only out of compassion.
In Keito's voice was no pain, I was about to get to mourn. After these words there was a silence that made me forever. I looked at Takaki
and looked back at me and telling me he did not understand anything.
- Why ...
"I spend all day talking about Chii, with this smile on his face as if you could not think of anyone more ... It is obvious that you like ...
"Me? Keito Why I mention me? What are they talking about? Did they both had a relationship? Wait, says Keito, Yuto you gusto ... "Takaki took my hand and led me outside of school. A bitter tears were running down her rosy cheeks.
- Are you okay?
Now it was me who was concerned, the roles had changed. "What's wrong? Why cry? Does anything hurt? "
" Now you know your Yuto likes you ... Sooner or later you say that you too like y. .. y. .. And not come over to me for help ... I will never have a chance ... You will be my Chii ...
"Takaki, what are you saying? Why are you doing this? "" I sie
Friday, May 28, 2010
Portland Cruisy Places Morning & Night
nights this week have been really very nice, I like to see from my window the moon and the wind that is allowed to see and feel these things are truly appreciated for who enjoy this type of thing.
I like to see how the wind moved the clouds quickly ... and still see the moon, was moving too slowly turning. Rarely
weather and my moods play an important role in my life. CHTMLX
En la mañana C
algo de verdad me burn indescriptible. En honor alo que hoy esta cancion me burn de mi gran significado for. ►
de K Only Human
Kanashimi no mukougishi of hohoemi ga aru to iu yo Kanashimi no
mukougishi of hohoemi ga aru to iu yo sono saki
Tadoritsuku of wa Nani ga bokura wo matteru?
Nigeru yuke tame ja oh ou tame ni deta hazu
Side of the tooi what Natsu no hi Ashita sae
Nara mieta you've tameiki
kedo Nagare's sakarau of fune no you Ima wa mae e
Kurushimi no tsukita Basho's Matsu ga shiawase to iu yo Boku wa Mada
sagashite Iru no kisetsu hazure Himawari
Kobusasahi wo hi Matebo
nigirishime Akai Namida Kirari tsumeato or ochiru
Kodoku ni mo nara Naret tsukiakari Tayori Hane naki tsubasa or
of tobitatou
Motto mae e susume
kireta Amagumo ga michi nara nureta Kagayaku
Yami dake ga Oshiete kureru
Tsuyoi hikari tsuyoi
mae e susume Tsuyoku
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Streaming Film Gloria Guida
creates the future of others ... when you face the limited space in the world in 3 or 4 years, but I do not see things that way too?
There is nothing in me at this time to think about it ... Usually cause mixed feelings.
all have a purpose in our lives ... But this is true? not understand it.
certain age may have to make decisions and that they form my better future, but I have not yet ... Does that make me less? or there is some limit to decide what you really want to do? What to do when people espwere the best of you?
I do not understand the things that I can really do ... still do not find that in me
I have no such answers yet ... but it is painful with the passage of time and the echo of people ringing my ears is really exhausting.
Everything is unclear at this moment ...
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Alcohol Poisoning Hospital Bill
That feeling is something unique, sad, exhausting ...
To think that people feel at the other side of the world is like autodestruirte and a kind of liberated edorfinas make off of this here.
'm the only one who can not understand ... even when I say I know more than anyone else, not you, my feelings are shared anything complicated I can assure you, not even as classified or want to name them.
The months of a year ago are present
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Pinewood Derby/dune Buggy It is not the end ... is the beginning of the slow.
I chose this life, my religion and although the question mark, you know that certain things will not die on me, I know that my new beginning is not as atrocious as past years, but I promise to be a bit happy with these little big things achievement on the backs of others, but I remind you that they will not know how those years, so I just tell you that although right now talking about 2 people and I included that I take you in my way ... Remember that this is not new to me, only my new doubts and my dark thoughts were asleep and slowly eat me.
just feel some remorse, but more I can do if that's what makes me happy for now. Remember me now,
Monday, May 10, 2010
Windows 7 Extigy Drivers Mom Day!
reveal and make your mind ... Glad
5:00 a.m. wake wings listening to all the songs that most people engaged in their breasts.
► Play the song of Kalaf Lady Denise brings me plenty of memories ... not only the fact that is mother's day, but try this song for some time with someone very special to me ... although I have a lot to her perfume still can not get to meet them, that was one of the things I liked.
primary was also very special to me. Felipe Bueno pss
in my mind and do not flaunt this woman both of whom I speak is pretty my friend gull his name is ... my mother!
To you your life you gave me your love and your space to you that you carried in your belly pain and tiredness
To you who fought tooth and nail brave at home and anywhere you
A fresh rose April
to you my faithful cherub
to you I dedicate my poems my being
wins my respect to you lady lady lady
And to do that much-vaunted
woman of whom I speak is pretty my friend gull
his name is my MOTHER !!!!!
Discussion Questions Milk
Couple: Yamada Ryosuke and Nakajima Yuto (YamaJima)
Genre: Yaoi
Processing Author: Hikarii
was confused, nervous, anxious y. .. afraid, afraid of himself, of what had been about to do when he saw Yuto in your room. He looked down at the table. "I have not seen the letters ..." He thought, and fear invaded. I was afraid that the child read them and discover their true feelings. "I do not hate ..." thought "I want to approach him ... Ever want to be like before "A tear caressed her rosy cheek. "I can not mourn ..." His eyes were flooded with "not for him ..." He said toeza.
"- Is on Yama-chan? -"
"Yama-chan ..." Yuto thought "Why him and I can call it that ... no?". He nodded. Did not feel like talking. "" Do not worry ... Everything is going to solve ...-" Keito said this with a comforting smile and the two boys started to walk to school.
Lost in his thoughts and think only concentrated in Yuto. I had not heard that his little friend called him.
"- Yama-chan! -" He looked at his companion
surprised. When I was on there to? He smiled. Tried to be cheerful and happy. But despite all the efforts of more, Chinen noted that it was wrong.
"- and by Yuto Are not you -" made a face
d Ryosukeand understand nothing and stared at Chinen "How do you know?" I was surprised. "How can you tell I'm well by Yuto?
"" Yesterday Keito and I found it and told us all ...- said the small-Are you okay? - "
With tearful eyes looked Ryosuke and Chinen said
," Help me, Chii ... - "
Chinen not take it anymore. I wanted to see him smile like the day before. She approached him and gave him a sweet hug that made Ryosuke be put to mourn.
"" Stay with me ...- He said the major, "I do not want to be alone ... I never want to be alone ....-"
The child hugged him harder and embrace Ryosuke replied. Yuto
froze. "Did these two people are not ... Why estbent to get to the height of Yuto's eyes, he was sitting on a street corner, deep in thought. It seemed that he had heard nothing. But with a voice without feeling cold and said:
"" I know you're worried about me, but ... Can you leave me alone? - Keito is stand still so I said "Please ...-"
got up without saying anything and walked away leaving Yuto lost in his own confusion.
after China ran off had gone home and had locked himself in his room ignoring the screams of his mother. I was shaking. "Why has smiled ...?¿ Why?" He lay in bed, eyes swollen from time to mourn, and fell asleep.
A sound woke him. His head ached and sentia dizzy. He sought the place where the sound came and saw that it was his mobile phone.
"- Yes? - Answered without even looking at who called .- No. .. here are not ... - Said without enthusiasm "Nothing ... Goodbye ...-"
hung up the phone and went to sit in his desk chair without thinking what they had heard. A few minutes passed and suddenly China rose. He checked his watch: 23:35. "It is not possible ..." He grabbed a coat and ran away from home.
Walking the streets without direction. Pretty soon, they were lost. After what happened
had been walking aimlessly and had ended in a place he did not know anything. I did not know how to get back, and I could not call. He had left the Telefónica Móvilesmistakes-what would you do if you had done harm to the person you want and you felt that you never forgive ... And when I come back to rediscover what you see clinging to someone else? - Yuto smiled and patted the dog-head "Hachi
Yuto licked his hand, got off his lap and went jogging down an alley.
let out a sigh. "It is like coming home ... I will be looking for?" Yuto thought. At that moment he saw a shadow near him. I felt many steps. It was starting to scare. After a moment, he saw four figures in the dark. They were muscular men and saw that one had a knife with him.
"- What do we do with the boy?" - Said one of the men .- "
" "Maybe we ...- heard a female voice said,"
"- Did you kill? - Answered another. Yuto
shuddered. I was afraid, I was shaking. Wanted to run. But he could not move. I had no energy to do so. Ryosuke
had begun to walk again, went through many streets and squares that did not know. He had said many times that when you lose not move from where he was. But I could not sit still. Then he saw Yuto talk to a dog. Halt. "That monkey thought" What would you be saying? Suddenly he forgot the things that happened with Yuto. Cared only get to hear what he said. But could not. It was too far. But his eyes could see from that distance des sad.
At that time about four men s
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Templates
I'm in a time which I am enjoying both, my joys are sensations are reading everything I love, are the musicians who sing, all I see and read, my vices, my comings and goings after watching what catches my attention, my animals with me more than anyone else, what I think and think and I have doubts about a religion to me is being extinguished.
A amenecer like today was something that I can not really explainMITA
what tod hi Akane-no dogs or foxes, coy nee wa yakusoku
wasureta no deshou Kaze no chigiri shoka of kieta futari modorenai
Ondo otto you you you dog's hanbun
natta kono heya wa kyou you chirakashite yure tsukare nemuru
jouzu trends of damashite ne wa suki de kirai kotoba no shyness nor imagoro natte itai hodo kimochi dakara bokura wa sayonara itsuka
hatasenakatta futari yakusoku or idaite arukidasu
Monday, May 3, 2010
How To Convert Sony Memory Stick Duo To Sdhc
I miss all of 2003 to 2006 women loved to wake early. I loved this transition in which I managed, and as we drove, I loved how we looked, as we spent hours talking about love, I loved how your words matched your note, I loved how your 50 years played with me, but what I love most is how I spent lolita play that role in which I get carried away, we got carried away, no time, there was nothing.
I only have my memories, I only have the memory of your words of wisdom, which I carry with me, and not stop thinking.
swear not to go through the eternal sleep I get at most bakunai
tomete Toki wo zutto itai isshoni
Terekakushi that you serifu Mitsumeau you shunkan
you jikan Anata to Iru
Tarinai kedo
Saishuu Densha miokuru shimete
Made nigiri te kureta yasashisa ga ureshii
Sarigenai yo
Sugu of Nara Anata no Iru no asu e yukeru of ...
Every time, everyday, everything ... Kotoba you shinakute
of Anata wa watashi no
Tokubetsu that Basho
Moshi negai ga hitotsu tatta you kanau Nara
big part futari no jikan wo kamisama tomete yo ... Jikan yo
tomare tonight
tatta hitotsu no Boku no Wagamama Dakedo sore wa kanawanai
Kono yo bred kashisa tsutaetai
Ichi Nichi-day jikan tatta nijuu
Tarinai hyakku weaken yo jikan Sore
are big part Mitsukeru yo motto motto
no ii toko Kondo wa itsu aeru
no? Nando
you ittara shitsukoku omowaresou
Fuan to kibou hanbun zutsu Kono omoi wa
Tabun zutto Kimi wa boku wo dou omotteiru no you?
Every time, everyday, everything ...
Koishii nukumori to
of naranai Kotoba wo kokoro no koe wa sunao
Korekara heads of tsutaete miseru
Ugoki hajimeta talkie kamisama tomete yo wo ... Wagamama de ii no
Kaeshitakunai to itte yo Anata ga watashi wo Nara nozomu no
Mayowazu of soeru wo kokoro yo let's
Every time, everyday, everything ... Kotoba
of Anata wa watashi shinakutemo
Dog Snow Suit With Legs Zero Tolerance
2 weeks I've been watching a companion, and not what the hell am ...
but it is something like "Visual Mammy" almost, almost is the same way as I'm watching and what I do feel certain parts of your body. It amazes me the way how I see things, and it is not bragging but I see so many things that is invisible to others, not whether good or bad, but of course she took advantage. Mmm
pss as I have taken on these days then updated blog, pss is the same reason, the fucking internet, but sometimes comes pss network and is also sometimesgoing, but pss from Saturday I had signal, although part of the morning turned to go>. \u0026lt;but anyway ... pss something always has to crap on it? ¬ ¬
In order not speak more than knowing that bad luck always with me and enjoy it right now XD signal, oh by the way, I bought me ♥ vice, having no money the last week I could not buy any magazines uu as I'm also new low of $ I valuable mother and buy it, I want all countries of Dark Dragon volumes, I have several, but have to pss.
Ahhh I have edited many images of Vidoll!! but I do share weba XD, good is not that, but waiting for being loaded u.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Delete All Uverse Recordings [If you love me ... kiss me ... Chapter 7]
"- I said I want you to look for Yuto! - A male voice told him that to Yabu. You could tell the guy who spoke was angry .- "
Hikaru slipped through the door to see the look of the boy who spoke. Should not be seen as Yabu, where he spoke with what appeared to be his superior, prohibited him from entering. "Not that he could control me like a puppet ..." Hikaru thought. I was a little tired of the largest orders. I always had to do what he wanted, if not angry. "It's like a little boy .. &ute; na Yabu and found him fast asleep. Approached him. "Watching and looks like an angel" She thought and was approaching the lips to kiss him more.
"- How long will I continue with this -"
Hikaru Yabu looked unfinished believe what had just heard. "Are you talking in his sleep?". But at the time the child saw something that surprised him even more. Stroked his cheek a tear of the largest and it fell behind others more slowly. "Are you crying in your sleep?"He approached the face of more and kissed the tears to dry. That woke him up.
"- What do you do? -" said, his voice quivering as he departed from the face of Hikaru. "Why is he here? "I've seen mourn?"
was in front of the house that Yabu had said. Had bitten the bell but no one had responded. "How odd ... Vente des minutes passed and the time we said ... "Suddenly someone touched her back and said, panting.
"" Sorry ... I had to do some unexpected things. "Yabu was
. Finally arrived. "" So I'll have to make "Yuya said with a smile" But first we go somewhere on the street is cold .- " Yabu smiled. Suddenly the sadness I had felt for a moment vanished. It was so comforting to be with Yuya quand had subsided in just a moment.
"" Your eyes are red ... "He said Yuya-Are you crying about something? -"
Those words stung as if he had stuck two knives in the stomach. "Too observer" thought. But just smiled and opened the door of his house to enter both.
spent the afternoon talking and laughing. They spent a while playing guitar. Yuya Yabu discovered that he had very good voice "could be a singer" thought. And they laughed at his own observation.
When there were ten minutes to seven the child received this message:
I have a small problem ... The new house
can not give me the keys today ...
Could I stay to sleep at home? Sorry
ask that ... Your Yuri
Yabu He apologized to for having to leave so abruptly and left the house running. I was still happy for what Yuri had put in his message "Your Yuri" "Is this guy always make me smile? Thought and responded affirmatively to the message.
Yuto had calmed down a bit. And all wounds had healed, now only remained to spend the time for you leave.
"" You'd better not go back to your house for a while, "said Kei
you and the child nodded.
"" Nobody expected me at home so it's okay
...-" spoke without enthusiasm. Seemed unwilling to do anything. Just sit and mourn. "What they have done to you this way?" And Yuto suddenly began to tremble and mourn again.
"I do not want to take me again ... I never want to be alone for so long ...-"
whispered. Kei just came up and hugged him from behind. She dried her tears and that's when the boy began acontarle everything that had happened.
"" When I took was very scared. I thought they would let me go after a while. But he spent much time and had not been anyone in the room where I was picked up .- air, and went on "The next day a boy appeared. Maso was my age. Then came y. .. y. ..- "
could not continue to speak, fear ran through her veins and began to mourn again.
continue ....
Friday, April 23, 2010
Dining Room Paint Paterns Do not say anything ...
that I have to say no and leave me alone! or the time or do not want you to see once and for all Let me speak! ....
Obviously I can do with the people I worth shit ... but that is something that causes a good end. That became something that got out of hand.
Anyway ... I just want to be alone. Leave me alone. And if you do not speak, do not speak.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Model Boat Wiring Diagram
repeated these words with a deadpan voice EMPTY. And at that moment did not last Masy began to mourn.
The other two boys were silent, not knowing what to say.
Yuto It was difficult to have to live with the memories of when his father and brother left home leaving him with his mother. But the boy could not bear that his mother did not want. She always reminded him that he could have gone with the two who had left, she did not want for anything. In such momenta he had always resorted to Ryosuke. The boy always had to calm down and cheer. But during those two months had not been able to use his best friend. And all because of him.
Chinen, who had long since ceased to bother Keito, Yuto approached and embraced him tenderly. Yuto calmed down a bit and tried to stop mourn. But I just could not.
, "Yuto! -"
A female voice shouted the boy's name was heard loud and "cluck cluck" of her heels approaching. Ryosuke's mother was. "" I see you've arrived, "she said smiling, not realizing that the boy wasHTMLXC "- Mrs. Yamada Come home? I have also eager to see Ryosuke! - "
"" I have fear ...-"
whispered in a weak voice the little guy.
"" Do not worry, everything will be fine... "He said the biggest
a voice a bit more secure. But inside, Keito did not believe the words he had said.
legs were shaking, his whole body seemed he could not support its weight a minute more. In a single second the sadness and the fear that had been hiding her body invaded. No one could believe what teníaa ahead. His mother had come home and as always, had declined to receive. But he had met the person who had brought so many tears these past few months.
"" Come Ryosuke "said his mother with a smile," Are not youYuto greet? - "" Yuto ... "He thought Ryosuke. "Why are you here with these big suitcases? Maybe it has forgiven me and has decided to stop avoiding me ... "He looked away from her mother and looked at his friend, but he saw that avoided eye contact with him, so he thought I would be there for another reason. "- He will stay here until his mother returns from U.S., said the mother when her son did not say anything," Are not you glad to see you? "-" No Ryosuke
know what to do. On the one hand sstant. But I knew it was normal. Yuto admitted that he had not done what he had when he started to avoid Ryosuke, he knew that this was not what a friend had done and was aware that he had read Ryosuke your letter, or at least had received.
The more she ran and locked herself in her room taking a hard hit by the door. "Why do you have to be on here?" He was frustrated, "Why do just as he began to forget him?".
He sat on the floor supporting your back to the door and started cryingit. Just thought that from now on have to live with Yuto.
The child took his bags and headed to his new apartment. It was just as I remembered it. Pequena clutter. With a bed, a desk, a shelf for books and a door leading into a small well-scented bath.
"He no longer considers me his best friend ..." He thought "probably hates me now." I will not draw back. Ryosuke Yuto thought I hated him and could never regain their friendship.
He lay on his bed and a few bitter tears began to like her cheeks. Could not accept thatRyosuke have to live with from now on. Could only accept it if you talk and everything was as before. But that was impossible.
After a while, the boys slept. With tears still in her eyes. They had not stopped even for a moment to mourn. Yuto
next day got up early and started preparing her things for her first day at school. I was not nervous. Conocíaa and so everyone was not to be.
Under the kitchen and grabbed something to eat. At that time someone came up behind him giving him a little bump on the back and asustandolTMLXC When he was in, could not help but show a hidden smile. The oldest was all messy room, as usual. And had all the school books scattered on the ground. Yuto reached down and picked them up, putting the class they played in the backpack.
When he got up to go to wake up more, he saw something that caught his attention. Above the desk, had many roles, all piled up and some were written by the two parties. "How odd ..." Yuto thought "A Yama-chan did not like writing ...". Had not been surprised if the papers had pictures. The larger one is loveddrawing, he spent hours drawing and perfecting his drawings. He came to see better than it was and when I saw it was amazed.
"I miss you ..., why do not you come yet, Yuto?"
"So much I hate to leave me alone, abandoned to my fate?"
"I give many turns your letter ... But, if you want me Why are you doing me much harm? Yuto
read several sentences of those papers. All were addressed to him, and all the blame for leaving him alone. Suddenly the tears filled her eyes. Had been brought to mourn if he had not heard that Ryosuke was waking up. He went to the window,drew the curtains and opened the window to let in light and ventilate the room. He turned to tell Ryosuke to get up, but it was not necessary. He found two small brown eyes that looked like an alien.
"" Your sister has sent me to get up-Yuto said coldly So Wise up and down for breakfast .- "
said that the tall guy left the room leaving Ryosuke is not yet thought ; to what was happening. Yuto was in no better position than most. Do not believe what I just read. I thought it was just coincidence that Ryosuke had written this. & Am
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Dune Buggy Pinewood Derby Car Designs
Couple: Yamada Ryosuke and Nakajima Yuto (YamaJima)
Genre: Yaoi
Processing Author: Hikarii
Episode 3.
light the lamp lit up the small table in the dark room, a boy had fallen asleep on top of a handwritten letter. I used to stay late writing down everything he had done during the day, but these came to send letters neck, remained stacked in the drawers of the little room. Not that the cass of the person who had done so much damage. But what I really wanted the small Chinen was able to see that sweet smile that I loved so much instead of the sad smile you give to two months ago showed.
The boy woke up, woke up whenever he felt the same: vacíoy not feel like getting out of bed to go to school. Des on the day his friend was gone, I did not find meaning in anything, did not want to go anywhere, let alone, of being surrounded by people who do not understand. The only people who like sentíaa were with her two best friends, Chinen Yuri, acooking, quick breakfast and a smile on his face said goodbye to his mother. For some reason, that day he felt more strength and more animated than usual.
On the way to school was found to Keito, looked at his watch and thought "How odd that Keito running late to school ... He always arrives early "So step up a little until he got reach Keito, took her hand as she started to run and with a smile said,
" - What are you doing here standing? Run! We are late! - "Keito is s orprendió a bit. Long time no see Ryosuke run to school, usually always late, no matter if you missed the first hour of classes. But much more was not seen him smile is so sincere, that he could ensure that the smile Ryosuke had given him, was sincere. The biggest immediate Ryosuke took her hand and said that he began to run. I really had not realized she was late and had been walking as if he came early, as usual.
they entered both the Salony immediately sat on their respective wellents, one beside the other and started laughing. They could not stop. Had run for anything, even five minutes to classes began. Between laughter Keito decíaa you Ryosuke.
"- You know Yama-chan? - His last name was Yamada, but everyone disminuíaa Yama-chan" The next day you go out early, save your making me run! - "
Ryosuke could not answer what was laughing. It felt good, long ago had not laughed so much and was really surprised. At that moment he decided definitely could not go thinking the the pasado, had to live IAWD Diaye be able to laugh about anything, no matter how silly it was.
Chinen, who had just arrived, he looked curiously at the scene. Keito and Ryosuke looked settled in their seats, their heads resting on the table, laughing nonstop. A sense of curiosity will be invited to ask them why they laughed, but I wanted to continue seeing the beautiful smile you have the two so I just went to his seat in front of Ryosuke, and was ; watching. Neither
stop laughing. Had some room mates, which hab & iacuI, an started to laugh because of the contagious laughter of two guys. So China could not hold Masy laughed too. He not only laughed at what he had hit the laughter of two guys, so did the greatest happiness I felt the power to see to laugh Ryosuke , r tambiéna Keito, he was a happy guy I used to laugh but not much, just smiled when he found something funny and sometimes let out a small laugh. "Perhaps also be laughing because he's happy to see againYama-chan happy ... "He thought Chinen.
At that time the teacher came, all the students ran to sit on their sites and they were laughing trying to stop it.
"- all to shut up! And make your own material! - "
shouted the professor. "He's in a bad mood" thought some. And it was. So many were able to stop laughing. Ryosuke Keito and still could not. But not laughing loudly as they had done minutes earlier. Now he laughed under his nose while trying to look serious and attentive to the teacher. The class spent
Do you want to be you too? Keito
stared at Ryosuke. There was a look that accompany the words above and caught Ryosuke why.
"-No. He said sorry to a sonrisa. .- "I have things to do .-"
and spun his way home leave with a lively "See you tomorrow!".
the way home from Keito was silent. All both wanted to talk, but Acoba the last minute.
"- You know -"
The two boys had spoken to both and they both blushed and turned away their eyes in front and fasten them toToday Yama-chan was very happy, do you think something happened there? - China said an innocent voice.
Keito was a little annoying. If you had looked that way to Ryosuke, was to be alone with China and finally able to tell what I felt. At that moment I decided. Or read it now or not I was going to say never.
"-Chii ...- The little boy turned to look at more deeply into ojos.-Yo. ..-"
"-" Keito?! Yuri?! - "
The two boys turned in surprise, there was a guy ahead of him, breathing hard having run, which had
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
How Is The Claddagh Ring Worn
Just then the girl had asked me to leave approached me and asked if I had decided on a response. I could not answer, so I said nonsense that made us both laugh. I saw as I exited the school. At that time must have a face that showed my sorrow for what she asked me if I was okay. I said no, I was very confused and did not know what to do. She iand need. I need your smile I'm happy every morning when I come to sleep. I need your jokes to cheer me up in a sad day. I need your love you give me whenever I'm with you. I need someone to tell everything I've done in a day, and the only person who listens to my silly stories you are. I can quit, you can not leave the city without noticing the new home address. I do not want to see me, but I do for you. I do not want to accept that our friendship is over and that the last thing you have heard of your letter was well written and with good penmanship. If I never hear from you. I want to know one thing.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Pink Camera Bag For Nikon D40 [If you love me ... kiss me ... Chapter 6]
Couple: Inoo and Kei Takaki Yuya (TakaNoo)
Genre: Yaoi
Processing Author: Hikarii
Episode 6.
A Yuya liked the company that made him Yabu. Des Takaki of the time had asked more to stay with him, had been talking about many things, shared many hobbies, music from one of them. Yabu felt strange, normally he never showed it was in reality, except Hikaru, thoseNo, he took his things, said goodbye to Yabu, but first get to be this afternoon and went home. Once there was a message that he was delighted the day. "I come to town! I have wanted to see you!
attend the same school as you.
I hope to be with you!
I miss you.
Chinen Yuri! "
After I first read this message, Yuya could not stop smiling. He read and reread many times. Had suddenly forgotten everything. It had allegedly Kei fact, your stayedaru, "He does not ..." I could not understand that he had referred. Does Yabu was not the culprit that had locked Yuto? But ... If it was not him, then ... Who could it be?
After five minutes was Hikaru, Kei was found lying under a tree asleep. "It's lovely .." She thought. Did not want to wake him so he sat down beside him watching his face calm and slow breathing. I had not watched him and, while not remember whenor was the last time. Kei woke up.
"" Good morning sleepy-Hikaru said in an animated voice .- "
Kei smiled, it was not yet awake to meet you too. He liked the feeling that ran throughout the body, was a sensation of warmth, it was assumed to be able to be awakened by what had been his best friend for a long time, but surely was that the feelings that had begun to have made Hikaru were reborn.
Hikaru got up, but wanted to spend more time with Kei, he knew that room &ute; Kei Ndola to understand that I had to follow. They spent ten minutes walking until they reached a house that looked like it was abandoned. Hikaru pulled out some keys and unlocked the door. Entered. Kei heard some noises coming from inside, do not enter until atrevíaa Hikaru heard shouting "Do not you think in?". He entered quietly and closed the door carefully. The lights were opened and suddenly heard "Kei!" Yuto and found attached to his body and crying in her arms.
continued ...
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I'm afraid this writing, but I have the courage to tell you face to face. Des that day I've been avoiding. I vividly remember the day that you came crying to me, wondering why he had stopped to talk to you. Sorry . I feel with all my heart I've known ... I am sorry and I apologize for all the pain I've caused evitándote. I just want to forget completely. Although you or mea gentle breeze caressed my cheek. This was the last good feeling I felt on that day. I looked up. I saw two figures, a few meters from where I was, kissing. I determined to go, since it would be rude to stand there while a couple was kissing. But then I saw you. I could see your face filled with happiness, kissing the girl who had embraced. I started feeling bad. Do not understand why she had to be right now. Just as he had accepted my feelings for you, I had to give them up. dayent knew our friendship was over. I cursed myself for having fallen in love with you, but I was not brave enough to tell you that everything was fine, that would separate me from you neck. I left school. The last thing you saw was laughing with that girl. "If you're happy, I'm happy." I thought. So I left school with a smile to the face. been a month of this. After that day. I have not gone to close to you. While you still try to talk to me sometimes. I leave the city. I will go away. We'll meet again. I just wanted to write this letter to say goodbye.
Live happy. " Atte. Nakajima Yuto
Friday, March 19, 2010
How Much Is Good Ebay Account?
was in a small forest near the ground that he had colege. Sat under a big tree and began to mourn. "How can someone I can love me so quickly?" Desperate thought "If my mother had not moved from work, I would not be here, nor should have known Kei never ... "" - What are you doing here, new guy? - A warm voice pulled him from his thoughts. " looked up and dazzled a large kid dyed red hair and a pleasant eye that looked
"" I ... I just wanted to get away, looked around, not where I am ...- Ythus larle Hikaru, but only to remember how teníaa Yuto Yabu, blood was put in bad ardíay milk. "" I know where it is, "said Yabu Hikaru-I-I can get from there stammering and shaking his whole body - but I'll have to help ... A Yabu not have to fear ... He does not ... -Stopped talking. He sighed and continued, "See you this afternoon in the park forever. left the room. Kei was thinking, "He did not ... Did not he do? What was said about Hikaru? "
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Which Hd Pro Camcorder I Should Buy [You used to belong to me...-Oneshot]
"" Sorry, "I said with a melancholy tone" If you really did it for the, I can not follow you. I love you and will continue to want. Bye .- "
said that you turn from me and walk away, leaving a vast solitude in that room. I compressed my chest and my eyes filled with tears which I could not hold. I began to mourn as she remembered what we had spent together. Absolutely everything you reminded me.
"" That chair ...- I said softly as his eyes fixed on the couch in the corner ofand in my mind to see that you came to my face and just when your lips were about to touch mine told me: "I love you, Dai-chan. I've always loved and always will .- " I stood to hear this from you. "I could not believe what I was listening to the words he had always wanted to hear. The beating of my heart is accelerated more than they already were and blushed. I wanted to say how much I wanted. I wanted to hug and kiss showing everything I had been saving up now. But I just do not do. My body is my lips are respondíay poker &MPRE'd called Inoo but I talked "Do not go. I want to be beside you .- "When I finished talking
your giraste me slowly and softly kissed me on the lips." **** Why he had to remember this right now ? Why did he have to be right in the moment when I say I no longer wanted to be with me. I collapsed on the floor and I reached this while still crying. Did not want to stop mourn. Expected from coming and I tell you it was all a dream, never walk out on me. But I knew thismourning, as he was my best friend and would never want anyone to do me harm.
Inoo: I stared at him. I wanted to believe what Ryu had told me but something told me it was true. Look back at me. But yours was a pleading look full of sadness. She could not endure more, I knew that if you put up with that look more forgiving and would end but that was what he wanted, not wanted to live deceived.
"" Sorry, "I said with a melancholy tone" If you really did it for the, I can not follow you. I love you and will continue to want. Bye .- "That said I left the room. Tears flooded my eyes and had not wanted you'd see me mourn. Ryu came to me and to me with tears in his eyes asked me worried: "" That's wrong Inoo? These well? - "I told him what happened
and politely told him I wanted to be alone. The guy understood me and went down a hallway to look for Keito. I went into my room. "Whose was the idea that members of a group live together? This way I will be totally impossible to avoid Daiki. "
I stretched in bed and began to mourn. "´ to your face. I rose from my bed and headed for the door to exit. I needed some air play. But just as he was about to turn the doorknob came Ryutaro and clumsily fell on me. But instead of leaving off me, began to mourn and hugged me.
"- What happened Ryu? Why do you apologize? - I said with a sweet voice to comfort .- "
But this just got to cry with mas strength. I went to the small kitchen in my room, fill a glass of water and took it. When he had calmed down a little so I asked again and this time if I got an answer:
"" I ... ... What I said was not entirely true ... Forgive me - and broke into tears again .- "I stroked his head
to calm down, but inside he knew nothing. "As it was not entirely true? Is it something that could have changed things? -----
In the room was an unbearable silence. Keito and I were eating the food that I hab &you, to go. We could not deny he had helped us many times. So Keito and I headed for the small garden talking animatedly. Caught
each hose and started watering without much enthusiasm. Keito is then diverted some water and get wet all the jersey. I kinda annoying move him back and we started to throw water and two small children. It was fun and we've endured quite a while, but it was cold so I quickly went to the locker room to change us. I realized that in my locker there was no winter shirt, like not wanting í to take cold I turn to ask one to Keito. Bad luck stumbled upon something that had fallen to the ground and fell on top of Keito. Our lips were very close so I blushed a bit. But just when he would get over it. A shout made us react to them. Ryutaro saw before us with a surprised face and shouted at us:
"-" As you do this to Inoo?! - "
I moved very quickly to explain it but only got ; fall down and gather my lips with Keito. Ryutaro grimaced and ran to tell you. Keito
me aparteguir looking. So I went to another place that I also liked.
I spent all afternoon and, from shop to shop, from park to park. It was getting dark, I began to think you were back home, but I did not want to return.
walked without a fixed course and my feet took me to that corner which I loved. I was surprised to see a figure sitting on the swings and went to see who he was. To recognize immediately I was nervous, did not know how to explain it all and did not want to miss. I stood before you and you looked at me surprised. ----
When I was thinking about leaving viena kissed the tear that smile on his face to make it disappear.
"- Do not cry. I've already forgiven, I hope you can forgive me for my lack of confidence. I swear that from now on will trust in you and I part with you for a moment "I said with the sweetest voice I had .-" hold
And before I could see a little smile was etched on your face. Me to quickly embrace and we were so few minutes. ----
could not believe what I was hearing. I hugged and it was for your embrace immediately. What he had wanted to feel your body again so close to mine ...
""I've never been so angry with you I have nothing to forgive," I said as he lifted my head to pose my lips on yours and kiss before he said "I'll stay with you forever, do not hesitate for a moment. -----
And the guys kissed thus sealing his love.